Këshilli i Qarkut Vlorë

Call for interest for External expertise within the project GET – Thirrje interesi për Eskpertizën e jashtme për realizimin e projektit GET

February 23, 2021

Ne kuader te projektit GET, financuar nga “Cooperation Programme Interreg IPA II Greece – Albania, 2014-2020″, Keshilli i Qarkut Vlore, shpall thirrjet e tenderit per ekspertizen e jashtme te nevojshme ne kuader te projektit si me poshte:

  1.  “Ekspert krijues i Brandit identifikues per promovimin e atraksioneve turistike tregjet e reja”

             “Expert in econometrics for Tourism Market Demand Assessment in New Markets”

Per  thirrhen e plote:       thirrje 1

2. “Ekspert ekonometrie per vleresimin e turizmit ne tregjet e reja”

Expert for creating Marketable content and Branding Identify of each touristic path”

Per thirrjen e plote kliko:     thirrje 2

3. “Expert for integrating to project website the inventory of touristic paths with related content and mapping of potential stakeholders in the field of tourism”

Per thrrjen e plote:         thirrje 3

Aplikimet pranohen deri me 15.03.2021, brenda ores 17:00. Do te shqyrtohen vetem aplikimet qe mberrijne brenda ketij afati.

For any information regarding the announcement please contact: info@qarkuvlore.gov.al

Per cdo informacion ne lidhje me lajmerimin kontaktoni ne: info@qarkuvlore.gov.al

Last modified: June 27, 2024

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